Pressinform has developed a complex audit programme that enables management to rethink the role, regulation and organisational structure, working processes, operations and cost-effectiveness of communications activities throughout the company. It helps the improvement of the professional skills and structure of the communication team, all in line with the strategic objectives of the organisation. The result is a more efficient organisation, optimised budgets and more effective communication.
Intelligent reputation management
We have developed an intelligent reputation management programme to assess the specific reputation profile of companies or organisations, as well as their senior management. We use pre-defined indicators to classify the nature and extent of positive / negative changes affecting the organisation’s reputation. We develop a complex system tailored to the company’s unique reputation profile to anticipate reputational risks and opportunities related to specific changes in the market and its regulation, and/or to management decisions. Our communication risk analysis is mapped to various alert levels, which trigger specific procedural protocols in case of an expected or real crisis situation. (See below Crisis Communication Programme.)
Measuring communication effectiveness
Our agency’s complex effectiveness measurement programme is unique in the market, allowing not only an ex-post evaluation of communication activities but also the ability to model the expected effectiveness of an action. We use predefined indicators to analyse and classify the persuasiveness and potential effects of communication on targeted stakeholders, and to report the reach and media value of communication activity over a given period.
Crisis Communication Programme
Pressinform’s Crisis Communication Programme defines the strategy to be applied in the communication of crisis situations, the procedures to be followed, the persons responsible and their tasks, the system of their cooperation, the rules to be applied and the tasks to be performed in the course of crisis communication. It provides support for solving problems and prepares the designated employees of the organisation for the communication management of crisis situations. Furthermore, it assesses the nature and extent of the damage to the organisation’s reputation and provides a complex plan to restore and rebuild the company’s reputation and recognition.
Communication training, communication coaching
One per cent inspiration, 99 per cent practice – this is the recipe for ingenuity in science, art and sport. We believe it also applies to management and communication. We have been training top corporate managers, spokespersons, politicians and public actors for almost 30 years, and have also been refining and perfecting our training methodology for 30 years. We prepare you for media appearances, to give speeches and presentations, to communicate in crisis situations, to manage organisational changes. Our coaching programme, unique in the market, helps organisational leaders to develop their communication skills and to use them effectively in their everyday work.
Media research and analysis
The mass and social media have become one of the main instruments of our lives. Most information, however, often reaches the public in a saturated way, full of misunderstanding or preconceptions. In order to communicate in a purpose-driven and effective way, it is essential to understand the perceptions, knowledge and emotions the media instils in us. Our media research and analyses provide a comprehensive summary of how the press and social media relate to an organisation, brand or individual, thus helping us to find solutions to effectively validate our clients’ business interests.
Analysis of the communication of priority social issues
We never see the world as it really is. We can only gain perceptions, mostly shaped by the social communication system (public actors, opinion leaders, press, social media, reference groups, etc), while we know very little about how it really works. It is precisely this process that the research and analysis programme of our agency examines through analysing the processes and the functioning of shaping public perceptions on certain selected, current public issues. Such a scientifically motivated communications research and analysis activity has not yet been launched anywhere else in Hungary.